xD fellow to present at the NIST workshop on Privacy Enhancing Cryptography

August 27, 2024

xD emerging technology fellow, Tomo Lazovich, will present at the upcoming NIST workshop on Privacy Enhancing Cryptography on September 24-26th. Tomo's talk will focus on the PERSEID project, which aimed to help the government radically rethink how it interacts with data by experimenting with cutting-edge privacy engineering technologies that are currently being developed in the private and non-profit sectors. The project involved partners at Census and the 10x group at the General Services Administration and experimented with cryptographic protocols that would allow for private joins with demographic data to compute statistics on equity and disparate impact. This work culminated in a demo on publicly available data, hosted on the federal cloud.gov infrastructure, that demonstrated a use case of joining machine learning model results with demographic information to measure disparities in model performance across demographic groups.

See more details about the workshop here: https://csrc.nist.gov/events/2024/wpec2024

Logo for NIST Privacy Enhancing Cryptography Workshop Registration